Monday, January 14, 2013

Our Senior Partners...

          Beatrice and John Gallagher are our senior partners and they currently live in Bayside, New York. They were born in the Bronx and Queens, respectively. They also have a really big family: six children (including in-laws), eight grandchildren, and many siblings. Both are well educated with college degrees. Beatrice Gallagher, the Dragonbotz’s senior partner, has a Masters in Education and previously worked as a teacher in a high school. She is now retired and gardens, reads, plays instruments, and cooks in her spare time. She gardens, and grows figs, lemongrass, rhubarb, and garlic. The Gallaghers own their home with a nice yard and garden to keep them busy.

         Some problems that they believe seniors face are taking care of their home, isolation, economic problems, and health issues. Problems the two have with technology are being computer illiterate, being scared of computers, and not knowing how to use a smartphone. Some of the innovations that these seniors would like to have are motorized wheelchairs/power chair at a reasonable price and an electric car.
         Having a robot is one of the things in the back of their mind. If they had a robot, they would like it to shovel snow, mow the lawn, and turn the lights/heat on and off.
Some things that they believe the younger generation can help with are sharing their concerns, interests, and information with seniors; and perhaps help seniors become familiar with today’s technology to help make their lives better.
By C. J.  C.

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